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2022-09-23 20:21:00 By : Ms. cherry chen

Police officers are being issued with a list of almost 3,000 slang words and phrases associated with illegal drugs, in order to stay one step ahead of criminals.

The document has been drawn up by the Police National Legal Database (PNLD) for use by all forces in England and Wales.

A copy of the list has been obtained by The Sunday Telegraph under Freedom of Information legislation.

This is the list of 2,875 words and phrases relating to the drugs trade that is issued to officers.

RAGWEED - inferior quality marijuana

RAINY DAY WOMAN - marijuana

RANGOOD - marijuana grown wild

RAP - to talk to someone

RASPBERRY - female who trades sex for crack or money to buy crack

RAVE - acid house or pay party; large one-off event with all night dancing to house music often held in large warehouse

RAVER - person who attends raves

RAZED - under the influence of drugs

RECOMPRESS - change the shape of cocaine flakes to resemble 'rock’

RED - under the influence of drugs

RED AND BLUES - tuinal, barbiturates

RED AND WHITES - ecstasy

RED BIRDS - seconal, a barbiturate

RED DEVIL - barbiturate; PCP

RED PHOSPHORUS - smokeable speed



RIDING THE WAVE - under the influence of drugs

RIG - equipment used to inject drugs

RINGER - good hit of crack

RIPPED OFF - sold poor quality or expensive drugs

RITALIN - A class B drug chemical name 'methylphenidate '.

RITALIN - This is available in 10mg tablets (also available as Equasym which is 'methylphenidate ' in a 5mg tablet).

ROACH - butt of a cannabis cigarette

ROACH - filter for cannabis

ROACH CLIP - holds partially smoked marijuana cigarette

ROBIN’S EGG - stimulant

ROCK HARD - poppers (alkyl nitrites)

ROCK HOUSE - place where crack is sold and smoked

ROCKS - small pure crystals of Cocaine or Heroin

ROCKET CAPS - dome-shaped caps on crack vials

ROCKETTE - female who uses crack


ROCK STAR - female who trades sex for crack or money to buy crack

ROHYPNOL - date rape drug which causes loss of memory (generic name flunitrazepam ).

ROID RAGE - aggressive behaviour caused by excessive steroid use

ROLLER - to inject a drug

ROOFIES - Rohypnol (generic name flunitrazepam) causes loss of memory and is also known as the 'date rape’ drug. Class C drug which will ONLY be available on prescription after 1/5/98 when it also becomes a Schedule 3 drug under the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 1985

ROOF GARDEN - growing cannabis (not necessarily on a roof)

RUDERALIS - species of cannabis

RUGBY BALLS - temazepam capsules (not now legally available in UK)

RUMBLE - police search or inquiry

RUN - repeated use of amphetamine

RUNNERS - people who sell drugs for others

RUSH - euphoric effect caused by drug

RUSH SNAPPERS - isobutyl nitrite

SANDWICH - two layers of cocaine with a layer of heroin in the middle

SATCH - papers, letters, cards, clothing, etc, saturated with drug solution

SATIVA - species of cannabis

SCENE - place where drugs are used

SCENE - the drugs environment


SCOTTY - the high from crack

SCRAPE AND SNORT - to share crack by scraping off small pieces to snort

SECCY - seconal; a barbiturate


SECONDS - second inhalation of crack from a pipe

SEGGY - seconal; a barbiturate

SET - place where drugs are sold

SEWER - vein into which a drug is injected

SHAKER / BAKER / WATER - material needed to freebase cocaine i.e. shaker bottle, baking soda and water

SHEBANGING - mixing cocaine with water and squirting it up nose


SHOOT - to inject a drug

SHOOT UP - to inject a drug

SHOOT THE BREEZE - nitrous oxide

SHOOTING GALLERY - place for addicts to inject drugs or place where drugs are used

SHOOTING UP - injecting drugs

SHOT - to inject a drug

SHOT DOWN - under influence of drugs

SHOTGUN - inhaling marijuana smoke forced into one’s mouth by another’s exhaling

SINSEMILLA - potent variety of cannabis

SIXTY-TWO - two and a half ounces of crack

SKETCHING - coming down from a speed - induced high

SKIED - under the influence of drugs

SKIN POPPING - injecting drugs just under the skin

SKIN UP - roll a cannabis cigarette

SKYED - under the influence of drugs

SLAM - to inject a drug

SMART DRUGS - products which are supposed to increase mental performance, intelligence or memory

SMOKE-OUT - under the influence of drugs

SMOKING GUN - heroin and cocaine

SNIFF - inhale cocaine or amphetamines

SNIFFING - inhaling amphetamines or cocaine

SNORT - to inhale cocaine

SNORT - to use solvents

SNORTING - consuming cocaine via the nose

SNOT - residue produced from smoking amphetamine

SNOTBALLS - rubber cement rolled into balls, burned and the fumes are inhaled

SNOWBALL - cocaine and heroin

SNOWBALLING - inject or sniff a mixture of cocaine & heroin

SNOW SEALS - cocaine and amphetamine

SOAP - blocks of cannabis resin

SPACEBALL - PCP used with crack

SPACE CADET - crack dipped in PCP

SPACE DUST - crack dipped in PCP

SPACE SHIP - glass pipe used to smoke crack

SPACED OUT - high on drugs

SPARK IT UP - smoke cannabis

SPARKLE - methamphetamine that has a shiny appearance

SPEEDING - high on amphetamine

SPEEDBALL - heroin and cocaine

SPEEDBALLING - inject/sniff mixture - cocaine & heroin

SPEED FREAK - habitual user of methamphetamine


SPIKE - heroin cut with scopolamine or strychnine

SPLITTING - rolling cannabis and cocaine into a single joint

SPOON - sixteenth of an ounce

SPORTING - to inhale cocaine

SPRUNG - person just starting to use drugs

SPUTNIK - opium mixed with Pakistani cannabis

STACKING - taking steroids without a prescription

STASH - quantity of drugs

STASH - place to hide drugs

STASH AREAS - drug storage and distribution areas

STEERER - person who directs customers to spots for buying crack

STEM - cylinder used to smoke crack

STEP ON - dilute drugs

STONED - under influence of drugs

STOVE TOP - methylamphetamine (usually refers to crystal meth .)

STRAIGHT - not on drugs

STRAWBERRY - female who trades sex for crack or money to buy crack

STUFF - cannabis and heroin

SULPHATES - amphetamines in powder form

SUPER ICE - smokeable methylamphetamine


T.N.T. - heroin

T.N.T. - fentanyl

TAB - tablet or quantity of drug (usually LSD)

TAB - small square of paper impregnated with LSD

TACKLE - drugs themselves or the equipment used to take them



TANGO & CASH - narcotic

TANGO & CASH - fentanyl

TAR - crack and heroin smoked together

TASTE - small sample of drugs

TAX - taking money and not supplying the drugs or drugs

TAXED - a larger dealer taking drugs without payment from a smaller dealer

TEA PARTY - to smoke marijuana

TEARDROPS - dosage of crack packaged in the cut-off corners of plastic bags

TECHNO BEAT - heavy beat music

THC - tetrahydrocannabinol (The drug Cannabinol, i.e. Cannabis)

THING - main drug interest at the moment

THIRST MONSTERS - heavy crack smokers

THIRTY - EIGHT - crack sprinkled on marijuana

THOROUGHBRED - drug dealer who sells pure narcotics

TIBETAN GOLD - cannabis resin

TIC - PCP in powder form


TIE - to inject a drug

TIN - container for marijuana

TINA - methylamphetamine (usually refers to as crystal meth .)

T-TS - black tar heroin

TNT - poppers (alkyl nitrites)

TOKE - to inhale cocaine

TOKE - to puff on a cannabis cigarette

TOKE UP - to smoke marijuana

TOLERANCE - need to take increasingly large doses of some drugs to produce an effect

TOLLY - toluene, chemical contained in many inhalants

TONCHO - octane booster which is inhaled

TOOLS - equipment used for injecting drugs

TOOT - to inhale cocaine

TOOTING - smoking crack or heroin through a tube

TORCH COOKING - smoking cocaine base by using a propane or butane torch as a source of flame

TORCH UP - light up cannabis cigarette

TORPEDO - crack and marijuana

TOSS - search a person or premises

TOSS UP - female who trades sex for crack or money to buy crack


TOTE - to smoke heroin

TOUCHER - user of crack who wants affection before, during, or after smoking crack

TOUT - person who introduces buyers to sellers

TRACK - to inject a drug

TRACKING - injecting intravenously along a vein

TRACKS - row of needle marks on a person

TRAGIC MAGIC - crack dipped in PCP

TRAILS - LSD induced perception that moving objects leave multiple images or trails behind them

TRAP - hiding place for drugs

TRAYS - bunches of vials

TRIP - to take LSD

TRIP - effects caused by LSD

TRIP - effect induced by taking hallucinogens

TROLL - use of LSD and MDMA

TURBO - crack and marijuana

TURF - place where drugs are sold

TURKEY - poor quality drugs

TURKEY - non-drug substance used to deceive

TURN A DRUM OVER - police search of a house

TURNED OFF - withdrawn from drugs

TURNED ON - introduced to drugs

TURNED ON - under influence of drugs

TWEAK MISSION - on a mission to find crack

TWISTS - small plastic bags of heroin secured with a twist tie

TWISTERS - crack and methamphetamine

UP AGAINST THE STEM - addicted to smoking marijuana

U.S.P - amphetamine


V - Valium diazepam (a benzodiazepine)

VEGA - a cigar wrapping refilled with marijuana

VIPER’S WEED - cannabis

VITA - G - gammahydroxybutyrate

VITAMIN R - Ritalin (methylphenidate

WAC - PCP on marijuana

WASH - crack or cocaine

WASHED UP - withdrawn from drugs

WASTED - under influence of drugs

WEEKEND HABIT - irregular habit

WEIGHTLESS - high on crack


WHITEY - to vomit after taking drugs

WHITE CLOUD - crack smoke

WHITE DOVES - ecstasy tablets


WHITES - amphetamine sulphate tablets

WHIZ BANG - cocaine and heroin

WIRED TO THE MOON - high on drugs

WOBBLY EGGS - temazepam capsules (not now legally available in UK)

WOLLIE - rocks of crack rolled into a marijuana cigarette

WOOLAS - cigarette laced with cocaine

WOOLAS - marijuana cigarette sprinkled with crack

WOOLIES - marijuana and crack

WOOLIES - marijuana and PCP

WOOLY BLUNTS - marijuana and crack or PCP

WORKING HALF - crack rock weighing half gram or more

WORKS - apparatus for injecting

WRAP - street quantity of heroin sold in small folded paper bag or foil packets

WRAP - street quantity of amphetamine sold in small folded paper bag or foil packets

WRAP - street quantity of cocaine sold in small folded paper bag or foil packets

WRECKED - high on drugs



YEAH - O - crack

YEOLA - marijuana and crack

Z - one ounce of heroin

ZOOM - a mixture of cocaine, heroin and amphetamine which is either sniffed or injected

ZOOM - marijuana laced with PCP

ZOMBIE - heavy user of drugs

ZONKED - extremely high on drugs

ZOOMER - individual who sells fake crack and then flees